Thursday, December 31, 2009

ok so

can anyone help me find the urge to get up and start my day?

Monday, November 9, 2009

who am I?

I am a man of dreams and a man that drinks. I am a man of God and a man that drives. I am a manly man. I am a man of many hats but one head.

This is mainly for the 1 or possibly 2 people who read this to try and confuse though im sure they know who is the actual author of this already. Many when this blog goes viral (and it will, mark my words) people can come back to this.

Though that is wishful thinking.

Monday, September 14, 2009


So now that summer is officially over I'm currently battling with this feeling of having no direction in my life. I just feel like I'm selling myself short and can't d a thing about it. The carefree lifestyle that I was living during the summer is cool and all but I'd gladly trade it in for a single constructive thing to do.

There must be more to life then being really really extremely goodlooking and I intend on finding out what that is.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well looking back at the last blog post I made it occured to me that it was posted on September 11th. Now honestly I had no idea nor what it on my mind at the time which has me torn into the following:

a. should I be disgusted that it wasn't mentioned or even in my mind at the time of the blog


b. thankful that it was momentarily out of my head as that might mean that people are ready to move on (but never ever) forget the events that took place 8 years ago.

(little) Dilemmas like this take place in my head frequently, maybe I should start to share with the 3 people that read this. Though I will admit that I was happy to see a comment on the last entry.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I'd love to know where all my womanizing as of late is coming from. I dont know if its the fact that I have a real girlfriend right now (who adores me by the way), if its my boyishly good looks (which i'd love to think that it is), or what. Maybe its the company I keep finally getting to me. I've always been the faithful one, but maybe depriving myself of that is what messed me up. I dont want to end up like another adult that I know who (I personally believe) never really experienced a girl that has relationship potential and just latch on because its something new and exciting. Because that would be sad.

Friday, August 21, 2009

rain rain go away...

...come again...tomorrow?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

why of the day

is the Cheesecake Factory so expensive?

is Jadakiss as hard as it gets?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

new song might have a chorus that goes

Cause we like girls, and we like cartoons...

...what do you think?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

damn, I done walked in here...

...looking like the mother fucking man of the year.